Imagine if you could find expert education consultants at your fingertips, match them to your project needs, leverage project methodology and use project tools to create a high performing team and a solid foundation for project setup for success.
Well now you can!
Welcome to DVE Connect.
What is DVE Connect?
DVE Connect is an online tool that allows you to find expert education specialists ‘at your fingertips’!
First up we want to make sure we are getting this right for you our clients and consultants, so we’re taking small but agile steps towards delivering our bigger vision for DVE Connect.
We’ve assembled experienced education consultants in one place so you can get familiar with our amazing team of experts and find the right person for your project needs.
DVE Connect allows you to search easily on multiple keywords across consultant specialities and skills. You can even search by name if you have someone specific in mind.
Utilise DVE Connect in 2 simple steps!
- Search & Browse:Once you’ve entered your search criteria you can browse through the consultants that match your needs and view more information about them and their experience to find the right consultants for your project.
- Connect: Let us know which consultant/s you’re interested in working with or what your project needs are and we will be in touch to help work through what you need and get you started. We’ll organise everything for you so you won’t have to do a thing! We will build your team, set up your project and get you on your way.
Click HERE to get started!
And if you’d like to find out more about how you can utilise DVE Connect or become a DVE Connect consultant, contact us today!