DVE turns 10! A message from Jo

Posted: 31/08/2018

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, I thought you might like to know a little bit about DVE, how it came about and what we are doing to help you in this interesting time where so many changes and challenges are facing the Higher Education Sector.

Over ten years ago Dianne van Eck commenced her new career as an independent contractor after working at UniSA for a decade. Not long after that I joined following various engineering roles including GM Holden (with many stints at UniSA in and around that too).

It was then that we found our deep insight of university operations combined with the unique blend of Di’s collaborative ‘people-focused’ approach with my lean, continuous improvement and project management skills, was incredibly valued and most importantly drove some amazing results for our clients in Higher Education. So DVE was born!

We started in Adelaide working for UniSA and the University of Adelaide but quickly spread to the eastern states, and now work in well over half the universities in Australia and some internationally as well. Since then we’ve built the DVE team up over the years to a team of 20 plus our amazing extended team of contractors and consultants.

Earlier this year we launched our platform for connecting you with Education Professionals DVE Connect and we have now got over 70 people in the system ready for you to access at any time you need! So if you’re low on resources to get the job done at any point, we’ve probably got someone who can help, just contact us.

We’re working closely with so many of you and designing products and services that really help you with the challenges you’re facing – this is how we have designed your new professional development programs, holistic change frameworks and continuous improvement programs – If you’d like any information on any of these or just want to touch base please let me know and I’d love to have a chat. 

We’ve got some great stuff for you in this edition so have a read through, and let us know what you’d like to hear more about or tools you’d like to receive! We’re here to help you so we’ll do what we can.

Keep improving,

PS Now if you didn’t know, Di and I are mother and daughter – so that brings an interesting perspective to any business. We did a series of videos a few years ago now that Paola has brought out the archives to share with you on our anniversary… this one explains how we feel about working as a mother-daughter team in DVE… enjoy!