Navigating the 8 Wastes in Higher Education Workshop

Posted: 27/04/2018

With ongoing disruption to the Higher Education sector, there has never been a more crucial time to improve efficiency.  But hidden in every institution are wastes that can silently sabotage your improvement efforts and impact productivity, quality, profit and growth.

This practical workshop will show you how the proven Lean 8 Wastes formula can be applied to the Higher Education sector and be used to improve your efficiency, standards and reputation for providing quality service to students.

You will learn:

  • The 8 common wastes in higher education
  • How to uncover and identify the wastes wreaking havoc in your department
  • Practical strategies to overcome wastes and increase efficiency

Plus as a BONUS you will also get access to our popular Navigating the 8 Common Wastes in Higher Education 8-week video series after the event (usually $295)!

Upcoming 8 Waste breakfast workshops in September!

In this time of change training and development is becoming critical. These hands-on and affordable breakfast workshops provide tangible benefits that your staff can bring back to your team and area to implement immediately. You’ll want to make sure someone from your team is attending!

Brisbane 7th September – Book Now

Sydney 21st September – Book Now

Melbourne 27th September – Book Now


Get your whole team reducing wastes in your area!!

Hold your own Navigating the 8 Common Wastes in Higher Education workshop

An in-house 8 Wastes workshop can be a great way to fast-track improvements in your area. Held for up to 20 of your staff, we encourage active participation in the session, and all participants will leave with tips, tools and resources that they can take straight back to their desk to start working on reducing wastes.

To hold an 8 Wastes workshop in your area, or a bundle of workshops across your institution call 1800 870 677 or to get more information click here and we will get back to you.