When considering purchasing an education provider, institutions often encounter challenges that include conducting thorough due diligence to assess program quality, managing regulatory compliance, and ensuring a smooth transition to maintain academic standards and institutional integrity.​

Our team of experts in DVE offer valuable insights and analysis, guiding your acquisition process by assessing regulatory compliance, evaluating program quality , and identifying growth opportunities, empowering you to make informed decisions and successfully navigate the acquisition journey. With our expertise, we are committed to supporting your institution’s strategic expansion and assisting you to achieve a seamless and successful acquisition of an Institute of Higher Education.

Help solve your problems with DVE

  • Providing you with insight into whether to proceed with the merger or acquisition and approximate rectification costs through the identification of areas of risk or non-compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Support and guidance with notifying the regulator of the merger or acquisition​
  • Access to qualified experts with experience in higher education regulatory compliance due diligence reviews for mergers and acquisitions​
  • Support with post merger or acquisition rectification work

Our consulting services include:

  • ​Mergers and Acquisitions Regulatory Compliance Due Diligence Reviews​
  • Regulatory advice and risk assessment​
  • Change management
  • Post Acquisition Support to rectify any non-compliances identified​

Other Services

Regulatory Advice & Support (TEQSA, CRICOS)

Regulatory Advice
& Support (TEQSA, CRICOS)


Merger & Acquisition Support

& Compliance


Strategy & Planning

Strategy &


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to find out how you can create efficient and streamlined processes at your institution.