Unlock wasted funds through your purchasing power potential.
Many organisations are leaking valuable dollars every day by not monitoring their purchases with vendors for contracted goods and services. Most organisations can usually realise significant savings simply by ensuring existing contracts are being utilised to their fullest or putting contracts in place for low value high volume goods and services. These savings can then be used to reinvest in other value adding activities or special projects.
DVE can help you unleash your purchasing power to unlock those valuable savings through a holistic and comprehensive review of your spending habits across your organisation.
How DVE Can Help You
- Analyse your spend by category to identify quick wins and maximise saving opportunities.
- Examine your utilisation of existing vendors with agreed pricing.
- Identify leakage on contracted goods and services
- Deliver workshops with staff to understand current practices.
- Validate that vendors are charging you correctly for contracted goods and services.
- Recommend establishing contracts for high volume spend categories
- Establish communication and implementation packages to inform staff of the importance of following purchasing processes and procedures.
What You Will Get
- Summary of Findings
- Outlining current practices at your institution.
- Opportunities for quick wins to maximise savings.
- Process Maps (optional).
- Recommendations
- Gap analysis to best practices.
- Opportunities for improvement tailored to your institution.
We can also offer you a full Implementation plan and provide you with project management and change management support through the roll out phase.